The 50 Red Roses in Basket Arrangement is a perfect bouquet that contains 50 sagacious red roses beautifully arranged in a tall basket orchestration and adorned with green fillers. The basket arrangement makes it handy and easy to place anywhere. Order now!
Silver Jubliee Flower Arrangement
₹2,999.00 Original price was: ₹2,999.00.₹2,399.00Current price is: ₹2,399.00.
50 Red Roses In a Basket Arrangement with victoria leaves
Flower Type: Rose
Color of Flower: Red
No of flower type: 50
Fillers: White Color Gypsophila Gypsy Fillers
Packaging: Brown Oval Shape Cane Basket
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Categories: Rose Arrangements, Roses, Thank You
Tags: 50 Red Roses, 50 Red Roses In a Basket, Roses In a Basket