There is no bouquet as beautiful and as romantic as our gorgeous Love Compassion bouquet! This piece of our heart comes with 3 stems of fully-bloomed lush White Asiatic lilies containing at least 5 lilies overall and a dozen velvety red carnations to add to this fresh mix. When the lilies in full bloom unfurl their lovely heads in full bloom, they will surely fill a room with their intoxicating aroma and unparalleled beauty. With the lush red Carnations to add their captivating charm to this bouquet, this is a gift that can never go wrong. So hurry up and order our Love Compassion bouquet right now!
Love Flower
₹2,999.00 Original price was: ₹2,999.00.₹2,199.00Current price is: ₹2,199.00.
Flower Type: Lily,Carnation
Color of Flower: Pink,White
No of flower type: 15
Fillers: white gypsophila gypsy flower fillers
Packaging: Non Woven Packing Paper
Bow: Beautifully Tied with Ribbon
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Categories: Carnations, Lilies, Lily Arrangements
Tags: Flower, Love Compassion, Love Flower